20th August 2017 between 0600 hrs and 0725 hrs
at Surendhara Mahal Thirumana Mandappam
Muthandikuppam, Tamil Nadu 607805
099525 33878
20th August 2017 between 0600 hrs and 0725 hrs
at Surendhara Mahal Thirumana Mandappam
Muthandikuppam, Tamil Nadu 607805
099525 33878
What is inner peace? When will one achieve it?
Recently I'm noticing that my pulse is constantly high. I'm always in a hurry, but that is not any medical condition. It has become my habit. And I'm sure I'm not alone. There are a lot of people of my age going through the same high pulse thing. Reason being laziness. And laziness leads to worse time management and in turn that leads to hurrying up things that were normally meant to be done relaxedly.
Interestingly, I do not see this ending any time sooner. As we know any problem if need to be solved, needs its root pulled out. And when I tried tracing the root, I found out my everyday schedule makes me tired beyond normal recovery and that makes me lazy. I started postponing things and I've lost track of things that I've to do, a long time ago. As an add-on, I've become unorganized too.
Now that I've realised what's going on, I want to act. Act to solve things, rewrite the wrongs and hope that I'll be successful.
I've been hearing about this term "inner peace" now. I've not understood though. I wish understanding this term might inspire me to attain it. I'm not sure if it even makes sense.
Will continue upon understanding the term, "Inner Peace"